Welcome at the learningmanagementsystem WEBLEARN
At the University of Applied Sciences Kufstien, all students and lecturers are offered the central learning management system WEBLEARN. WEBLEARN stands for the possibility to learn directly in a WEB environment and is operated by the E-Learning Center.
WEBLEARN supports the existing campus management systems and the functionality of online course management. Here, electronically supported courses are held. Lectures of the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein can offer online resources, useful activities, assignements, forums, videoconferencing, etc., and thus enhance the offer. The integration of WEBLEARN enables functionalities such as Single Sign On (CAS) and linking to the student portal checkin.
The learning management system used in the background of WEBLEARN is Moodle, one of the most widely used course management systems. Moodle stands for Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment and can be freely modified due to Open Source Licensing (GPL), such as the adaptation to the coporate design (CD) of the University of Applied Sciences Kufstein.